Abstract: The design of the ground heat exchanges is the key of the GSHP system.Borehole depth,flow velocity,soil initial temperature,operating mode,etc.are the main factors that affect the performance of ground heat exchanges.It was tested the summer operating mode of the ground source heat pump system with different deep buried U-tube ground heat exchangers(60m,90m) built up in Shanghai district.It was presented the soil initial temperature distribution and the mean heat transfer capacity per unit borehole depth under the different operation modes and different flow velocity.The coefficient of performance of heat pump unit under different flow velocity is also presented.Results show that the increase in flow velocity is not simply raise the heat transfer capacity per unit borehole depth,there is a reasonable range for flow velocity within the U-tube.
Keywords: ground source heat pump;heat transfer capacity;flow velocity;coefficient of performance
基金项目: 上海市教委科研创新项目(09YZ372)
土壤源热泵是一种节能、环保、高效利用可再生能源的空调新技术,U 型地埋管换热器由于其占地面积少、换热效率高、维护费用低等优势,目前已成为应用最广泛的一种埋管方式,其换热性能的优劣直接影响地埋管换热器土壤源热泵空调系统的技术性能和经济性,埋管深度、管内流速、土壤初始温度、运行模式等都是影响其性能的主要因素,本研究主要以上海地区60m 和90m 埋深U 型地埋管换热器为研究对象,针对夏季运行工况开展试验研究,探讨上述因素对U 型地埋管换热器换热性能的影响规律,为土壤源热泵的合理应用提供参考依据。
(1) 在离地面90m 范围内。夏季的土壤初始温度平均值为19.4℃,较早前冬季的土壤初始温度测试值18.25℃高1.07℃,一年之中温度波动很小,对比空气源热泵有利于地源热泵机组的节能运行;
(2) 90m 埋深换热器连续运行模式比间歇运行模式平均换热量减少8.78 W/m,由此得出,间歇运行模式更适合土壤源热泵空调系统;
(3) 数学模型模拟计算结果表明: 在其它条件不变的情况下,冷却水流速增加可以提高地埋管的每延米换热量。而试验结果则表明: 冷却水流速的增加并不能一味的提高其每延米换热量,而每延米换热量并不是判断地埋管换热器设计合理的唯一因素,还要看它和热泵机组耦合的情况,本实验平台当地埋管管内流速为0. 45 m/s 时,地埋管换热器每延米换热量和热泵机组的COP 值均达到最大值。
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